Sunday, January 31, 2010

Part of the last 13 years


this one may be for the lone redeemer.

of course, "this" gives reason to believe that there are others. however, nope. there are none others. In fact this is the first online blog I have ever created. pouring personal thoughts into something in this form has had a13 yearbreak.

when I was a kid, ever since i learned to write words, i journal-ed like a rampid crazy person. In it were faithful daily entrees full of little boy thoughts about what happened to me during the day. when i think about it, it housed a whole lot of secret stuff that i always feared fell into my brothers hands. i mean c' happen opon that says: KEEP OUT!! IF YOU READ PAST THIS PAGE, YOU ARE A CURSED AND A HORRIBLE PERSON BLAH BLAH BLAH PRIVATE PROPERTY OF DANIEL are dying to crack it open and see what girl they are crushing on or how much they hate you or whatever. i had my share of discoveries, venturing pages past the beginning warning sign and into the secret lives of my brothers, who i had plenty of revenge motives to give trespassing rationalization. horribly cursed i was. good lord. horribly, horribly cursed... and i am sure somewhere between now and then, said curse came back to carry out its harrowing promise.

ok, whatever. so I have no idea how much i will update this thing...

...but i am sure glad i finally did because there have been times i really freakin needed something like this. hahah probably why all my songs are topically written waaaaayhayhayhay to close to the hip, the heart, and home. um perhaps an output deficiency created a consequential over
load of venting in songwriting. who ever says this; i need to start being more vague. Any moment i expect some kind of horrible call or voicemail from someone when they they realize it coudnt be any more obvious that i just trashed talked them all the way through a song

sure glad i finally did, indeed.

but shoooooootdang, this is made JUST when I dont have anything really interesting going on.

super OK just kidding.

things are peculiar right now.
in good ways.
in horrible ways.

good is winning right now though.

I hung out with my friend today with the epic beach boys name and i was completly blown away all the way though the jam/meeting/clash/epic dust poofing high fives.

no copas, gwe.

it was

i cant reveal any of those details on here because of the seriously sensetive and extreme confidentiality of the whole thing but what I can say is that i am insanly fortunate to know somebody that has apparently filtered though dozens and dozens and dozens of people until he got to me. why? "i have been watching you for a year now." watching what? "watching how you are in electronic music class." what? ok. he had never heard me play any amount of music either. not a single plucked string. not a single note sung.

its remarkable considering the amount, potential, and possibilities of the thousand and thousands of dollars worth of holy crap he is harboring in material form and intellectual form. genius? maybe. good thing i can offer at least to him, spit-shine musicianship to his literally near unbelievably master plan. it was 6 straight hours of, i'd break it down to about 5 completely mind blowing different things. perhaps i walked out of that garage this morning.

what a night. i am absolutely exhausted and ready to pass out. i probably should just give up on
being awake for now because i am starting to say an abnormal amount of misundersood things to people.

when i am really really really tired, i start to doubt myself and the real world starts to eat me alive. henry rollins would be dissapointed, if not already dissapointed haha